Cosmological Study

novembro 24, 2015

The objective of this cosmological study is an imaginary artistic conception of the universe. It is also a poetic interpretation of the orbit study previously presented. The orbit study is a two dimensional graphic representation of possibilities of a sphere revolving around its centre.


Each sphere has another sphere rotating around itself. This process is dynamic, evolving continuous translational and rotational (spin) movements. The abscissa represents the position of the sphere in x-direction, while the ordinate presents the position of the sphere in y-direction. The n parameter is characterized by the number of revolutions of an external sphere divided by the period of one complete translation around its centre. This number shall necessary be integer to assure the synchronism of the system and to provide its balance or equilibrium state.


One can notice that the time is implicit in this two dimensional space representation of the orbit. Time is implicit in the sense that each n value represents the rotation by translation ratio providing an equilibrium state. Unitary n exactly represents one rotation of the external sphere per one translation of itself around the central sphere. Then n=4 describes an orbit with four rotations by one translation. Larger the n, more the orbit looks like and circumference with a large amount of small perturbations (due to the spin). Small the n, more the circumferential orbit presents a small number of large perturbations. All integer n from one to infinity characterize probabilistic orbits.


The m integer parameter is associated with the total energy – translational plus rotational energy – of the orbit. Smaller is the m, faster is the velocity, larger is the mass and larger is the energy of a specific sphere. Exactly in the opposite direction, greater is the m integer parameter, smaller is the velocity, smaller is the mass and smaller is the energy of the sphere. An important observation is that the m parameter is actually a scale factor, so the same relations are applicable to all of the spheres, from microcosm (large m) to macrocosm (small m), although they preserve the same shape of the orbits.


The matter orbits are interwoven with anti-matter orbits. So one matter sphere jumps from a specific energy state to a higher energy state (external) through the point in the two dimensional plane where its matter orbit intersects an anti-matter orbit. When a material sphere collides with an anti-material sphere both are disintegrated from their original orbits, implying in energy release. The matter sphere turns into an anti-matter sphere in its closest external anti-matter orbit, as well as the anti-matter sphere turns into a matter sphere around the next external matter orbit.


The total energy of the universe, considering both matter and its anti-matter counterpart, results in zero or in a very small amount since both (matter and anti-matter) orbits interchange their energies, counter-balancing themselves and keeping a smooth, almost stable pattern of arrangement. This pattern of arrangement can be imagined as an expanding universe depending on the Einstein cosmological constant or the zero total energy theories; or even in a cyclic inflating-deflating universe depending on a very low energy of almost zero frequency emanating from its centre. This quantum fluctuation or divine blow can be responsible for sustaining the whole picture.

Remembering the already mentioned scalability to the shape of the orbits, one can apprehend that all spheres (from above to below) are embedded, self-contained and dependent. So the macro-scale movements seems to be both, cause and result, from a complex matrix of energy interchange quantum fluctuations operated in extremely small micro-scales that are everywhere in the centre of the matter (and anti-matter), including me and you.


These almost zero probabilities (or choices) are summed up from below to above, generating peaks (matter) and crests (anti-matter) which alludes to a water drop falling on the flat and steady surface of a lake. This is our two dimensional conception of the universe.


Now, if one imagine the same orbits evolving into the three dimensional space (x, y and z; where the time is implicit), our universe will result in subsequent nestled shells of matter and anti-matter keeping their scalable shapes, where we inhabit a specific shell (a closed two dimension surface) and its thickness (plus the third dimension limited below by the Heisenberg Principle and above by the light velocity upper bound).


One can think of a very huge onion, where our material experience – the sky (air), the stars (fire), the whole Earth (earth) and the sea (water) – are confined inside a single onion layer. Although one must remember that, in a subtle way we still are not able to complete describe and apprehend, the larger and the small layers support each other and are inextricable through continuous dynamic interchanges.

Read also:

Jorge Xerxes, 24/n0v/2015

if You want to download the pdf file: cosmology_study_jorge_xerxes

Orbit Study

novembro 12, 2015




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download the complete pdf here




novembro 2, 2015


Narad The Ancient Sage

O velho 1nd10 desperta brevemente e depois cai num sono profundo. ele está no deserto, ele vê cactos de tempos em tempos, enquanto caminha, sedento, gaviões sobrevoam-no sentindo o cheiro de sua carne. o 1nd10 segue em direção ao que parece ser uma miragem, um lago apenas, sem arbustos ao seu redor, bem a sua frente na areia. ele está prestes a colapsar, seu corpo fraco, o sol a pino, nenhuma nuvem sequer. então ele desaba de joelhos, cai com o rosto próximo ao lago. seria uma miragem. ele gira o corpo, com dificuldade, o chão de areia e pedras queima as suas costas, o sol é escaldante, ele mal consegue abrir os olhos, vê os gaviões de relance, girando em sentido anti-horário, eles gritam pela sua morte lenta. o 1nd10 relembra da manhã, de ter ido pescar sem encontrar um peixe. ele deixou sua vara na aldeia, desiludido, fumou o peiote, foi para o deserto, caçar calango, que é o que devia. não há rede se ele não para. um 1nd10 é quase comida de gavião. sente a umidade e o cheiro da água fresca, pensa estar morrendo. o 1nd10 se vira, ergue-se de joelhos a margem do imenso lago. nele não há vida, senão a sua própria refletida na superfície. equilíbrio, um gigantesco espelho d’água, era para ser repleto de vida. onde só vê a sua face de 1nd10 velho, ressecada pelo sol, desiludida dos peixes que não pegou, dos calangos que nunca existiram, do peiote a confundir-lhe as ideias infinita mente, labiríntica mente, concentra a dor em seu peito, sobe pela nuca até a base do crânio, é miragem ou é lago verdadeira mente? a vida lhe brota aos olhos numa gota de lágrima, escorre pelo rosto, ele a vê em dobro: uma subindo em direção a sua própria face, a outra caindo, atravessando o espelho d’água, as ondas concêntricas se propagam crescentes, a se expandirem. em cada dobra da água ele vê paisagens, peixes multi coloridos, arbustos, muitos cavalos-marinhos, a vida abundante a flertar com a sua, todas são apenas uma no infinito daquele momento sublime. movimento. acorda para o novo dia dentro da sua cabeça de 1nd10. 4 v1d4 3 804.